2001 Porsche 3.6L 3606CC H6 - Baltimore (Midtown Edmondson) - Cars for sale, used cars for sale, Baltimore (Midtown Edmondson) - 1730199


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2001 Porsche 3.6L 3606CC H6 - Cars for sale, used cars for sale

Ref. number: 1730199 Updated: 06-06-2014 20:33

Price: 19 000 USD $

Offering: Cars for sale, used cars for sale in United States, Maryland, Baltimore (Midtown Edmondson)

This car is in excellent shape! Shows like many 20-30k mile cars I had looked at prior to purchasing this beauty... I have the opportunity for expansion of my business so I need the cash to move forward with hopefully purchasing the building I am currently renting. (car is paid for & has a clear title) Car was stock for most of its life all mods ($40-45k+) were done over the last 2 years. This car has never been launched/drag raced, please don't mistake that for meaning it hasn't been driven like it was designed for. If anyone interested in purchasing has a doubt of its strength/health please contact me and we can discuss options for inspection or anything else needed.

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First name: Linda
Last name: Martel
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